Boot Camp 9-11 Tribute Workout 09/11/2019

Warm Up:

400m jog

2 rounds
15m inch worm w/ push-up
15m bear crawl

Work Out:

9 Rounds (with a Battle Buddy)
11 Toe Touch Crunches
11 Sand Bag Goblet Squats (40# bag)
11 Abdominal Burpees
11 Sand Bag Lunges (2ct. – 40# bag)
11 Box Jumps
11 Sand Bag Pick Up Press (40# bag)
11 Up Downs with Push Ups
11 Sand Bag Get Ups (40# bag)
11 Hanging Leg Raises

Every 9 minutes 11 seconds – 200m Battle Buddy carry (switch as needed)

(Time expired at the end of 6th round)