Boot Camp 07/31/2019

Warm Up:

  • 1 mile jog

Workout: Weight Vest (#20) – Battle Buddy

5 Rounds – 105# Barbell

  • 7 Power Cleans
  • 7 Shoulder to Overhead

Buddy #1 – Completes 1 round
Buddy #2 – 200m Run
Switch only after each person completes their task.  Each battle buddy needs to complete 5 rounds of each. 


1 Mile Weight Vest Run (together)


5 Rounds – 135# Barbell

  • 1 Ground to Overhead
  • 1 Body Builder
  • 1 Ground to Overhead
  • 1 Pull Up
  • 1 Ground to Overhead
  • 1 Burpee Pull Up

Buddy #1 – Completes 1 round
Buddy #2 – Completes 15 push ups with weight vest

2x200m Weight Vest Run/Sprint