Boot Camp 01/09/19

Warm Up:

On the track
Partner 1: Burpee Broad Jump
Partner 2: 200m run
Switch when partner 2 catches partner 1. Continue until Burpee Broad Jump for 200m.

86m – Walking Lunges

Work Out:


10 Hang Cleans  Push Press (127lb barbell)
2 Get Ups (50lb sandcake)
400M Run

8 Hang Cleans  Push Press (127lb barbell)
4 Get Ups (50lb sandcake)
400m Run

6 Hang Cleans  Push Press (127lb barbell)
6 Get Ups (50lb sandcake)
400m Run

4 Hang Cleans  Push Press (127lb barbell)
8 Get Ups (50lb sandcake)
400m Run

2 Hang Cleans  Push Press (127lb barbell)
10 Get Ups (50lb sandcake)
400m Run

50 Toe Touch Crunches
50 Bottom 1/2 Burpees
50 Toe Touch Crunches

NOTE: Sub’d Push Press for the Hang Cleans – lats still recovering from the work out the day before.