Boot Camp Partner Workout 09/25/2019

Warm Up:

  • 1 mile Jog
  • 15m Inchworm Push Ups
  • 15m Walking Lunges


With a partner – 5 Rounds (each)

  • 2 Burpees
  • 2 Pull Ups (BANDED or MAX BAR HANG)
  • 2 Ring Dips ( 5 GROUND THUMPERS)
  • 2 Burpee Pull Ups
    -resting Buddy planks the switch after each round is completed

Then 5 Rounds (each) (105#x3, 115#x1, 125#x1)

  • 5 Deadlifts
  • 4 Hang Cleans
  • 3 Front Squats
  • 2 Push Press
  • 1 Thruster
    – switch each round (increase weight at least 2 times)

Then 8 Rounds (each)

  • 200 Relay
    -switch each round