Boot Camp 09/18/2019

Warm Up:

With Battle Buddy – 3 rounds each:

  • Partner 1: 200m run
  • Partner 2: 65# Barbell
    • 5 Dead Lifts
    • 5 Hang Cleans
    • 5 Strict Press

Work Out:

2 Rounds with Buddy

  • 10 Heavy Clean and Jerks (137# Barbell – alt every other one)
  • 2 Hill Sprints (alt. 2 ea, buddy holds 50# sandbag at top)
  • 1 Mile Run with Sandbag (50# sandbag – switch as needed) 
  • 15 Burpee Pull Ups (alt)
  • 30 Box Jumps or Rock Jumps (shared)
  • 60 Push Ups (shared)
  • 90 Flutter Kicks (apiece)


(Time expired on 2nd round at the end of Mile run)